Aura Reading/ Drawing
60 mins / $80

Every person has several different layers of light/energy around them that make up our Aura. These layers tell us information about the physical, mental and emotional bodies- as well as the divine blueprint and soul path we are carrying for this lifetime.
During this session I will perceive your Auric energy fields and describe to you your Soul colors/frequencies at this time in your life, your strengths and current challenges or blockages in your energy field.
You may also have guides or loved ones who show up during this aura scan- and I will share that with you as well.
I will draw out in full color your current auric field as perceived by my Clairvoyant abilities. You will be able to take this drawing home with you.
This is a great information gathering type of session and a wonderful way to be "seen" and understand yourself and your life journey more clearly.
This is a HANDS OFF session. You will sit in a chair and be able to ask questions if you desire.
A great way to try my services if you are hesitant about the bodywork session.
Available In Office or Online via Zoom
60 mins/ $80
In Office
Online via Zoom

Get in Touch
If you have any questions, you and email me at: